Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am slowly returning to my favorite hobby: Running. Dealing with an injury has been a trial for me and stay out of the paths a difficult task. While recovering from this nasty injury I started teaching Spinning classes 5 days a week at my local gym. I just love it! what a way to keep in shape!!!

This week I finally went back to the path for the first time after 8 months. On Thursday logged in 5 miles and o Friday another 6 miles. As far as pain, so far so good. After each run I made sure to ice the injury area and elevated it following my doc's advice. I am planning on start training for good second week of April when the weather should be better.

My biggest decision now is if I should stick to run half marathon only or try yet another full. I am not so sure that training for a full marathon will be a good idea. Time will tell. I believe for now I will stick with with half marathons and see how well recovered I really am before attempting to run a full marathon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's about time... has been a long time since my last post on this blog.... as a matter of fact, the last time was June 09. Many things has happened in the meantime. The worse is an cronic anckle injury that to this day is still bothering me. Afte running on full and 2 half's marathon last year, I decided to take some time off and take care of the injury. It's has been almost 9 month since my last run. Now my concern is how my body would react once I return to training.

So here we are... new year and I hope to be able to run one full marathon and at least two halfs. My plans are to return to train in a couple of weeks. Let's see how my body reacts. I hope I will not have any more problems.